Monday, May 3, 2010

Sign Series 2009

Street Walkers 1 & 2
These pedestrian walking signs are very interesting to me. They can be typically found in the neighborhood or school zones. Next time you see one, you should take a closer look at it. Why is the "male"figure escorting the "female"figure? Could the "male" figure be carrying a purse? Why is the "male" figure bigger in scale? Does that equate to more dominance? In these photographs however, I have isolated the "male"figure and "female"figure and duplicated them within the signs.I have also manipulated the distance between the figures and it is significant in the "male"figures image. Because males are allowed a larger personal space bubble, does it make men in particular uncomfortable by seeing the figures so close together? and Does it equate the figures with being homosexual? and Two women walking on the street late at night despite their attire, does that equate them to sex workers?

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